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Online roundtable "Transformation of the culture of the public service: 5"
posted 07 November 2023 08:15

Dear colleagues. We invite you to participate in the online roundtable "Transformation of the culture of the public service: 5".

For the fifth year in a row, NAUCS gathers experts to find out what changes have taken place in the organisational culture of the civil service and to jointly develop recommendations for its improvement. This year, the experts will discuss the analysis of the research based on the results of the "Civil Service in Ukraine: Your Point of View" surveys in 2020, 2021 and 2023, and will identify trends in the organisational culture of the civil service.  Systematic research in this area allows for the development of effective tools for building a positive organisational culture.

During the panel discussions, we will talk about the changes in organisational culture in the civil service. We will also discuss the needs of civil servants in times of war, in particular motivation and leadership, psychological support for employees, creating an accessible environment, integrity and values, communication and interaction. 

You can participate in the event by joining the online broadcast on the NAUCS YouTube channel.

The discussions will be followed by a workshop with representatives from government agencies, local governments, international projects and the public. The results of the workshop will be included in this year's "Analytical Report on the Results of the Civil Servant Surveys in 2020, 2021 and 2023".

  • The organisers: The National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and the Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector (CIDS) at the Norwegian Ministry of Defence.

Add a reminder to your calendar by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3u39TEQ  

A recording of the event will be posted on the NAUCS YouTube channel

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